Pet Reincarnation Miracle Claudia's Soul Dog Tibet Returns
Mar 02, 2025🌟 Gratitude to Claudia for allowing me to share a video of the very moment of their family's joyful reunion with her soul dog Tibet (now named Pedry). You can hear her in the background saying "It's him!"
In this post, I feel privileged to introduce you to Claudia-Maria Richter and her soul dog Tibet. But first, I should probably preface this by sharing a few tidbits about the work I do.
Over the years I've become accustomed to the "woo factor" inherent in my work. For example, it's super fun to be at a gathering and have someone ask, "So what do you do?" Add on a specialization in pet reincarnation and replying with, "I'm an animal intuitive and pet reincarnation specialist" is just plain fun.
Luckily, with the advent of podcasts like the Telepathy Tapes and the groundbreaking work of luminaries such as Dr. Brian Weiss and Dr. Michael Newton, we humans are getting slightly more comfortable with concepts like life after physical death.
Yet there are still many skeptics - including, at times, ourselves! The intensity of pet grief can further cloud our intuition and make us wonder if we are crazy for feeling like our pet wants to reincarnate.
Luckily, our animals in spirit can be quite determined in getting through to us! They can be even more determined about helping us find them again when they reincarnate back in a new body.
I call this the "joyful reunion" and it is a highlight of my work when I hear from a pet parent client that they have found their soul pet again.
Claudia-Maria Richter came to me demoralized after months of missing her beloved soul dog, Tibet, who passed from stomach cancer at just nine years old. She was fast losing hope of recovering from her grief and overcoming her longing to have him back again.
When Claudia scheduled her session, she was looking for answers, closure and hope. She had several questions for Tibet, along with her intense desire to know if he was planning to reincarnate.
During Claudia's session, we worked through her list of questions and she began to relax a bit at her dog's loving replies.
Then all of a sudden, I saw a flash of an image with my subtle vision - a brown puppy with oversized paws. The information flowed in quickly. Tibet's body was already born. He was fully rejuvenated from his time in the spirit dimension and was racing right back.
He gave Claudia several clues for how to find him again. Then I walked Claudia through my process for how to use these clues and her own pet parent intuition to literally draw Tibet back to her again.
What I am about to share next might sound....unbelievable. Just know that this is far from the first time that I have received this news from a pet parent client of mine.
Claudia wrote to me the very next day. She had found Tibet in his new puppy body!
She sent me a video of a brown puppy with oversized paws playing with a very specific toy - a yellow ball - that had been Tibet's favorite. The video Claudia sent me clearly show that Tibet (now named Pedry) had no plans to share "his" special ball with his brother!
Claudia and Tibet's pet reincarnation story of joyful reunion is why I do the work I do. Animal communication changes lives and it is my privilege and honor to help my pet parent clients welcome their soul pets back for a whole new set of adventure together.
🌟 Learn more about how to call your soul pet back to you in their new body by requesting my free Pet Reincarnation Guide
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