
Pet Anxiety: What Is It And How Animal Communication Can Help Your Anxious Pet

animal communication animal communicator highly sensitive pets lets talk to animals pet anxiety pet behavior pet podcast podcast vlogcast Jul 31, 2024
Let's Talk to Animals podcast


Welcome back to Season 5 of the Let's Talk to Animals podcast!  

What is pet anxiety? As a pet parent, it is common to worry that your pet is feeling anxious. But how much do you really understand about how anxiety shows up on different levels, whether what you are tuning into is actually pet anxiety and what you can do to help your anxious pet?

This podcast episode is recorded as an aid and support to the companion resource Anxious No More: Helping Your Pet Find Peace in an Anxious World.

🌟 Download your free Guide here:

This episode is organized into three major categories.

1. Defining pet anxiety and the five different levels of pet anxiety.
2. Identifying three different types of anxiety that your pet may be experiencing.
3. What I look for as an animal intuitive when I am talking with your pet so I can determine if anxiety is at the root of their symptoms and what tools will work best to ease anxiety for them.

You will also benefit from learning more about the highly sensitive genetic temperament trait and whether it is affecting your pet.

🌟 Access your free Guide here:

🌟 Enjoy this past podcast episode about highly sensitive pets:

Enrollment is now open for my signature student program Animal Communication Adventure. This program teaches you practical steps I use daily with my pet clients. Learn to talk with your own pet, other pets and wild animals.

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BONUSES: Includes a secret Q&A podcast, guided meditations, six key foundational lessons, live Zoom practice sessions with me, creative questions lists, practice journal logs and so much more.

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