How Your Pet Picked You and the Lesson You Are Meant to Learn Together
Oct 23, 2024
Welcome back to Season 5 of Let's Talk to Animals podcast!
When people talk about soulmates, we usually mean a special bond we feel with another human.
But pet soulmates are just as real - and just as much a part of our soul family!
My pet parent clients often ask me for help understanding the lessons their pet wants to teach them. And for my clients who are seeking to reunite with a departed pet through pet reincarnation, they also ask about how they can identify their reincarnated pet in their new body.
In this episode, I take you into the spirit dimension and talk you through exactly what the pets have shown me about how they pick "their" person. You will hear about:
🌟 Why it is NEVER an accident that a particular animal is in your life!
🌟 What the pets do to find you out of all the other people looking for a pet
🌟 What your pet does next after they locate you and pick you
🌟 Why you never have to worry that the pet who is meant for you won't find you
This episode addresses some of the most frequently asked questions I get from pet parents and animal communication students so you definitely don't want to miss it!
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