Fast Grief Recovery After Pet Death Guidance from an Animal Communicator
Feb 07, 2024
Welcome back to Season 5 of the Let's Talk to Animals podcast!
Pet death is the worst. Even when our pet's transition ensures they will not suffer any more. Even when we know it is time. No matter how smoothly the transition process goes (and often it does not go smoothly at all!), pet death is pretty much guaranteed to leave us with lingering trauma.
(This goes for any death of a loved one, regardless of species, and regardless of how enlightened or "spiritual" or whatever we may endeavor to be about it.)
Grief is grief and it has its own transition process.
So when I say "fast grief recovery," I do not in the least mean to imply a watering down or belittling of the PROFOUND impact of your animal love's transition into spirit. I've been there too - in fact, just a year ago, I was absolutely flattened when my soul bird of 24 years, Pearl, suddenly and without warning transitioned.
This episode comes from that immeasurably hard place. I want to share with you what helped me move through that time and into a space where I was quickly able to welcome in a new animal life companion, Pearl's reincarnation, Miss Petal.
✨Listen to A Tale of Pet Reincarnation: How Pearl Became Petal
So for this episode, I really want to focus in on the grieving experience itself. I want to give you actionable steps to take NOW to begin feeling supported, seen, connected, comforted, held and heard.
Key topics include:
- What acceptance (of your pet's passing) looks, sounds & feels like
- How to start moving the toxic impact of grief out of your body system
- Maximizing the times when repair of that traumatic impact takes place
- Rerouting unproductive thought-loops that don't help and are not true!
- Understanding what the word "recovery" really means (hint: it probably isn't what you are thinking)
Fall in love with your soul pet all over again
Get your copy of "Love & Feathers: what a palm-sized parrot has taught me about life, love, and healthy self-esteem" 🦜
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