How to Know Your Pet Is Really Talking to You Through Animal Communication
Aug 25, 2021
Working with an animal communicator can be a joyous, liberating experience. It can also be frustratingly mental and full of doubts. When you work with an animal communicator, how can you know it is really your pet talking to you and not just your mind that wants so badly to believe?
I have two constants in my days.
Electronic devices.
And animals.
In both cases, I am very aware that they are all talking amongst themselves without me.
My devices are busy downloading and uploading and updating and syncing and sharing data and probably all sorts of other things I'll never even know about.
Meanwhile, my animals are chatting away using the universal language of all species.
Over the years, this knowledge has often made me feel oddly left out of my own interspecies family's daily life, which is why my first experience working with an animal communicator left such a lasting impression.
Finally, I could join in the conversation! I could be an honorary least for a half hour or however long I could afford the communicator's fees.
It doesn't have to be like this.
All animals - human and non-human alike - can talk to each other. We all have the capability to ask questions and get those questions answered, to give and receive comfort and reassurance, to express love, to share our lives together.
Using the universal language of all species, a sensory language that drives our survival system, our instincts and those deep intuitive knowings we sometimes feel in our gut, we can tune in and talk with any being on any plane of existence, alive or crossed over.
But first we have to remember we have this ability.
Which is where I come in. Because for most of us, remembering starts with having the experience with the help of a bridge - an animal communicator.
Interestingly, (in my experience to date at least), it is always the animals who nudge us towards animal communication. They know we have questions for us and they have the answers we seek. They know we want more - more connection, more communion, more conversation - with them than the current situation allows for.
Moreover, our pets want to talk to us! They know it is possible for human animals and non-human animals to communicate simply, clearly, joyfully. They also know that we don't realize this.
So they do things to make us wonder. Or worry. They give us "that look." They repeatedly pee on the carpet. They stare fixedly at nothing, start biting our finger before "stepping up," escape the back yard, take a sudden dislike to the neighbor's animal, refuse to eat.
These incomprehensible, infuriating or anxiety-producing events eventually drive us to seek help. We head to the nearest smart device, open up a browser window and type in "why does my pet.....?"
And that is when we discover animal communication.
So now here we are. We've just booked a session. We are finally going to talk to our pet. We are going to find out why they are the way that they are and why they do that thing that they do. There is just one tiny problem. We have doubts. Or, more accurately, our mind has doubts. What if none of this is real?
Whenever I work with a new human-animal pair, the first thing I tell the human is to let me know if something that comes through from their animal doesn't make sense.
The goal of an animal communication session is to make sure the information is rich and helpful to you and your pet. When something doesn't make sense to you and you let me know, I can go back to your animal and ask for clarification. Usually when I ask, I get the clarification and you get the information you need.
The next thing I share is that your intuition trumps mine. You know your animal best.
Sometimes the most important role animal communication can play is to validate what you truly already know. You are already tuning in, but you just don't know it.
I can help humans who feel reluctant to trust their own intuitive data to feel more confident to do so in the future.
I also share that conversation is still conversation, whether it takes place between two human animals, two non-human animals or one human animal and one non-human animal.
Any conversation can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Animal communication is not truth serum. The animal may not want to share everything or the human may not be ready to fully hear what their pet is sharing.
Which is why I never end a session without reassuring the human that animal communication most frequently produces progress in the relationship rather than perfection.
Here are cues to look for that can reassure your large pesky prefrontal cortex that the conversation with your pet in fact actually took place:
- If what you learn during your animal communication session produces positive forward progress in your daily life together, it is from your animal.
- If you feel closer to your pet after your session than you did before (even if the information your animal shares is hard to hear or accept), it is from your animal.
- If your stress level goes down in the days following your session, it is from your animal.
- If the problem behavior or situation eases, it is from your animal.
- If you feel better able to tune in and feel connected to your pet after your animal communication session than before, it is from your animal.
- Most of all, if the information the communicator conveys sounds like and feels like your animal, it is from your animal.
Want to have the firsthand experience of talking with your current pet or a pet who has crossed over? I can help!
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