
Animal Communication for Pet Separation Anxiety

animal communication pet wellness May 11, 2022
Cat staring anxiety

Can animal communication help with separation anxiety in pets? For that matter, could animal communication cure a dog or cat with separation anxiety? On the flip side, could animal communication potentially make separation anxiety in a dog or cat worse? Animal communicator Shannon Cutts shares her personal experiences using animal communication to work with pets struggling to overcome separation anxiety.


Think back to the last time you felt anxious. Like, really anxious. What did you do to feel better? Did you do a lot of things that didn't work? What did work (if anything)?

Can you even remember?

The reason I ask.....

Anxiety can be an excellent way to induce temporary amnesia. Looking back on my (many) most anxious moments, what I mostly see is a thick white fog of over-wrought nerves duking it out amongst themselves.


Like a cartoon fistfight, kind of.


Except it isn't funny. Not a bit.


I used to suffer from cyclical anxiety and depression. On the anxiety side, sometimes I would have full-blown panic attacks. Sometimes those attacks would last for days on end.


I tried all sorts of things. Talk therapy. Neurofeedback. Every supplement the Google search engine linked to "anxiety relief." Birth control pills. Chiropractic. Acupuncture. New decision therapy. Emotional freedom technique. Past life regression. Hypnotherapy. Meditation. Yoga. Running. Journaling. Pharmaceuticals.


All of these things have been helpful to me in their own ways.


Why on earth am I sharing this here?


Because typically, there isn't just "one thing" that will ease a whole-system condition like anxiety, whether separation anxiety or a different kind. The anxiety may start in the environment but over time it makes its way into the body. Or it might start in the body and over time alters the surrounding environment accordingly.


Body. Mind. Spirit. Anxiety is always going to be a whole-being healing affair.


Having said that, can animal communication assist when your pet has separation anxiety, or any type of anxiety?


What do you think? (I'm really curious. Before I tell you what I think, what do you think? What kind of information were you hoping to find when you began reading this post?)


Think again about the last time you felt anxious. Did something (or someone) set off your anxious feelings? Was it an inside job? Were there things being done or discussed around you that made your anxiety better or even worse?


Did you feel at liberty to tell others that you were anxious and ask them to start or stop doing things that were contributing factors?


If yes, did it feel good to be able to be open and honest, to be heard, listened to, validated, responded to?


This is your answer. Or my answer, rather, to the question of can animal communication help a pet with separation anxiety?


Yes it can. It is your pet's chance to be open and honest, ask for what they need more or less of, brainstorm, receive support and love. Animal communication can offer a lifeline right to the center of that swirling thick fog of anxiety obscuring your pet's ability to see, hear, feel or sense any way out.


Any way through their crippling anxiety to the other side, to release and relief.


Now, will animal communication be an instant cure for your cat or dog's separation anxiety?


It is possible.


But what I have seen that is far more likely is that animal communication will deliver an essential tidbit of information that then points us in the direction of an instant cure or a gradual cure for pet anxiety.

Here is an example.

Last week I talked to a senior cat. The very moment I first tuned in to introduce myself, I began to see and feel tremendous anxiety in my chest region. It was so intense! At one point I actually stopped the communication to just verify it wasn't me having a heart attack!

(I am one of those animal communicators who tends to get a lot of data through my physical body, so these validation tools are very necessary.)


As the animal communication session unfolded, I found it necessary to talk with both of the other cats in the family. This gave me valuable information about why the senior cat had suddenly become highly anxious and territorial.


And that information led to what I did next. I applied energy healing - in this particular case three cats' worth of EFT tapping - to restore balance and order to their family unit.


The results were fairly instantaneous. Before we even finished the call, their human mom told me the two cats who were the most at odds were sitting companionably on the countertop together. The senior cat - a real standoffish sort in general - even let her pet him.


So that was a pretty stand-out reversal of anxiety in 30 minutes' time.


What I want you to pay attention to here is not yay! I am an animal communication rockstar!


It is that we had to use at least two different modalities - animal communication and emotional freedom technique (EFT).


If EFT had not delivered the hoped-for results, I had plenty of other energy healing tools in my communicator toolkit. And I also had plenty of other suggestions for this cat's human mom to work through on their journey back to peace and calm.


The thing is, human animals and non-human animals (regardless of species) really aren't wired too differently. We have the same basic fight-or-flight system that works in the same basic ways. Our bodies react to stress, both acute and chronic, quite similarly. Our DNA is just as vulnerable to inherited as well as learned maladaptations.


And many of the medications designed to treat anxiety in human animals were first tested on non-human animals and are now prescribed for both.


My encouragement to you, the pet parent with the anxious animal, is to give animal communication a seat at the table.....with a p.s. to not stop there or expect more than conversation alone is readily able to deliver.


My approach to animal communication is that it represents an essential member of the modern pet parent's toolkit. And it should be used as early to the start of any issue, problem or transition as possible. Because that just makes smart sense in both head and heart - gather information first and then apply remedies.


We can ask your pet what separation anxiety (or generalized anxiety) feels like in them. We can ask what triggers their anxiety. We can ask what helps them feel calmer. We can make environmental changes to create a calmer space.


We can also carry out energetic testing (I like muscle testing for this) to choose between different energy healing techniques such as EFT tapping, Reiki, scalar wave, chakra balancing and others that may ease your pet's separation anxiety.


And we can ask your animal if bodywork such as pet massage, pet acupuncture or acupressure, pet aromatherapy and/or pet chiropractic may be beneficial as well.


When you can better understand how and where animal communication fits into the bigger picture of maintaining or restoring holistic pet health and wellness, you will have realistic expectations and a much better outcome.


Are you caring for one or more pets who have general anxiety or separation anxiety? I can help.


Scheduling your pet's animal communication session couldn't be easier! 

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