A Professional Animal Communicator Talks Honestly About Pet Loss and Grief
Mar 03, 2023
As we become more disconnected from the natural world itself and the wild lives unfolding all around us, our connections with our companion animals - our pets - are becoming deeper and more significant than ever before. We feel a closeness and kinship to our pets that we may not even feel to any other human animals in our lives. So when our pet dies, the loss can devastate us. What can we do to survive our loss? Where can we go for support? Who can we talk with for comfort? Is there anything that helps make the grief journey shorter and less painful? Professional animal intuitive Shannon Cutts tackles this intensely tough topic head-on, sharing about her own experiencing navigating crushing pet loss and grief.
Pearl and I met when he was a tiny five week old cockatiel chick. We recognized each other instantly and about five seconds later, our bond for life was set.
For the next 24 straight years, Pearl and I shared everything together. In certain years (and during my 30's in particular), my connection with Pearl was at times the only relationship I had that I felt I could completely trust and rely on.
Each time I had to have surgery or fell ill, Pearl would insist on sitting directly on me or as close to my physical being as he could possibly get. When I was in the grips of depression or panic, he stayed by my side. There were even years when Pearl and I were forced to live apart as I battled through recovery from anorexia, bulimia, depression and crippling anxiety.
He NEVER gave up on me or struggled to see me as the one being on this planet he most wanted to spend time with.
I felt the same way.
So when the unthinkable happened and I woke one morning to discover Pearl's lifeless 24-year-old physical body on the floor of his cage, my whole world dissolved in an instant. Suddenly I no longer recognized myself. I had ceased to remember a me without Pearl, my muse, my love, my soulmate, my life partner, my whole heart.
What did I do to first and next to navigate the excruciating pain I suddenly found myself in? Was my grief process different or easier somehow because I am also a professional animal intuitive? What helped me the most to keep living and moving forward after such a sudden and catastrophic loss?
I recently recorded a full podcast episode to share my grief journey insights and tips. If you are struggling through your own pet loss and grief process, please know this episode is made just for you with so much empathy and love.
Do you fall asleep at night and wake up each morning missing your pet in spirit and wishing you could hear from them one more time? I can help. You don't need to wait a week or three weeks or six months until your pet has "adjusted" to life on the spirit side. As soon as you feel ready, please do reach out.
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